Right now our app has the same font size all round. The true/false buttons donβt show any selection state β and they look small.
Styling in egui
is a little bit odd but nothing is stopping us now.
Font size
Letβs change the overall font size of our application first. We do this in App::update
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &eframe::egui::Context, frame: &mut eframe::Frame) {
egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| {
// put styling at the top of this lambda
let mut style = (*ctx.style()).clone();
style.text_styles = [
(egui::TextStyle::Body, egui::FontId::proportional(18.0)),
(egui::TextStyle::Button, egui::FontId::proportional(18.0)),
style.spacing.button_padding = egui::Vec2::new(10.0, 5.0);
// ...
// previous block of code
The code you see above is from referencing the docs on how to change text_styles
. See Styles.text_styles
. If you remember, from the GUI chapter, I mentioned that a lot of Rust libraries have their documentation in the form of examples.
Letβs also update just the question label so it appears bigger than 18.0
The buttons donβt have any visual state for when theyβre selected. Add the following function at the very bottom of main.rs
fn get_button(label: &str, selected: bool) -> egui::Button<'static> {
let mut label = egui::RichText::from(label);
if selected {
label = label.color(egui::Color32::WHITE);
let mut button = egui::Button::new(label).min_size(egui::Vec2::new(60.0, 30.0));
if selected {
button = button.fill(egui::Color32::BLUE);
Then update the code that renders the buttons to use this function:
ui.horizontal(|ui| {
let true_button = get_button(
self.quiz.current_question().user_answer == Some(true),
let false_button = get_button(
self.quiz.current_question().user_answer == Some(false),
if ui.add(true_button).clicked() {
if ui.add(false_button).clicked() {
Now when you run the app and make a selection, the button will change color. Nice!
If you prefer your buttons are rounder, you can add the following code right after ui.set_style()
ui.visuals_mut().widgets.inactive.rounding = egui::Rounding::from(6.0);
Voila! Weβre basically done. Letβs see whatβs next for you.