
Introduction to Rust πŸ¦€ with egui


Right now our app has the same font size all round. The true/false buttons don’t show any selection state β€” and they look small.

Styling in egui is a little bit odd but nothing is stopping us now.

Font size

Let’s change the overall font size of our application first. We do this in App::update:

fn update(&mut self, ctx: &eframe::egui::Context, frame: &mut eframe::Frame) {
  egui::CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| {
    // put styling at the top of this lambda

    let mut style = (*ctx.style()).clone();

    style.text_styles = [
        (egui::TextStyle::Body, egui::FontId::proportional(18.0)),
        (egui::TextStyle::Button, egui::FontId::proportional(18.0)),

    style.spacing.button_padding = egui::Vec2::new(10.0, 5.0);


    // ...
    // previous block of code

The code you see above is from referencing the docs on how to change text_styles. See Styles.text_styles. If you remember, from the GUI chapter, I mentioned that a lot of Rust libraries have their documentation in the form of examples.

Let’s also update just the question label so it appears bigger than 18.0 points:



The buttons don’t have any visual state for when they’re selected. Add the following function at the very bottom of main.rs:

fn get_button(label: &str, selected: bool) -> egui::Button<'static> {
    let mut label = egui::RichText::from(label);

    if selected {
        label = label.color(egui::Color32::WHITE);

    let mut button = egui::Button::new(label).min_size(egui::Vec2::new(60.0, 30.0));

    if selected {
        button = button.fill(egui::Color32::BLUE);


Then update the code that renders the buttons to use this function:

ui.horizontal(|ui| {
  let true_button = get_button(
    self.quiz.current_question().user_answer == Some(true),

  let false_button = get_button(
    self.quiz.current_question().user_answer == Some(false),

  if ui.add(true_button).clicked() {

  if ui.add(false_button).clicked() {

Now when you run the app and make a selection, the button will change color. Nice!

If you prefer your buttons are rounder, you can add the following code right after ui.set_style():

ui.visuals_mut().widgets.inactive.rounding = egui::Rounding::from(6.0);

Voila! We’re basically done. Let’s see what’s next for you.